There is a vast amount of evidence clearly displaying that our life continues, just not where we can see it with our human eyes. As this mountain of evidence grows, so too does the number of people who are beginning to realize that life after "death" is real.
The transition called "death" is really just a metamorphosis whereby our souls evolve into another state, much as a butterfly does when it emerges from its cocoon. As the butterfly leaves behind a shell that it no longer needs, so too does our consciousness leave behind its human shell and evolve into a higher state.
We and everything around us is just energy. This has been proven by science. When one thinks of atoms and their electrons, neutrons and protons, these are all just sub-atomic pieces of energy vibrating at extremely high speeds.
The smaller one gets in the scientific spectrum, the more one realizes that everything is just space with small particles floating adrift, but all highly energized. It is a microscopic view of what the universe looks like...just vast space with energy at its core.
Energy can be measured in wavelengths and with frequencies, similar to molecules and color and sound. We humans are made up of molecules, sub-atomic particles, quarks, down to infinitesimally small elements that are so small they are nothing but energy. Einstein proved that energy cannot be created or destroyed, it can only change form.
We are energy, nothing more, vibrating at a specific frequency on earth that's slow enough we can see it. Speed up that vibration, however, and something magical happens. We transform into a higher vibration spirit person and leave our slower human bodies behind. This can happen at the transition called "death" or even during astral projection (something the U.S., China and Russia all were trying to exploit during the 1970's in their military).
The best example of energy as a vibration is a propeller or a fan blade. At rest the blade can easily be seen, since the vibration rate is 0. At a slightly higher rotation or vibration, the blade can still be seen. However at a high enough speed, the blade seems to disappear before our eyes. Is the blade gone? No, it's still there, its's just now existing at a higher rate of vibration.
The same could be said of sub-atomic particles if we were to view them with powerful electron microscopes. At rest, they could be easily seen; at their high vibration state, however, they seem to be invisible, since they're moving so fast.
Another example is sound and the different hearing ranges between humans and dogs. Sound is nothing but air waves oscillating at different vibrations. Humans can detect sounds in the 64-23,000 Hz range, while dogs typically can detect sounds between 67-45,000 Hz. Just because we can't hear the sounds that dogs can hear, does that mean those sounds aren't there? No, the sounds are still there, but they are oscillating at higher vibrations, and we can't detect them.
Likewise, consider light wavelengths. Lizards can see in the ultraviolet spectrum (10nm-400nm) unlike humans that are limited to only visible light (400-700 nm). Does that mean that because we can't see it, ultraviolet light doesn't exist? No, it just means that its vibrating at a different wavelength and we can't detect it.
Returning to spirit, this is actually human energy vibrating at a higher rate than what we can sense with our 5 physical senses. Just because we can’t readily sense it doesn't mean it doesn't exist. We all have energy bodies and well defined energy systems and centers, including Bioenergetic Systems and the body's electrical system, something well known to modern medical science.
The electrical energy in our brain, for example, can be measured by an EEG (Electroencephalogram) that measures the electrical charges in our brain cells. We also have energy centers defined by chakras known by eastern medicine for thousands of years. When the human body "dies", the electricity/energy it once contained has to go somewhere, since it can't be destroyed. This energy has been measured with sensitive EMF devices that measure fluctuations in electromagnetic fields.
Our consciousness is the intelligent aspect of our energy and this is what remains very alive after death. There are so many cases of the consciousness remaining alive after death, including near-death experiences ("NDEs"), reincarnation, communication with spirit, automatic writing, and more, that if were they stacked upon each other, they would soar miles above the earth.
There are countless mediums throughout the world who have developed their mediumistic senses (the 5 "Clairs") highly. As a result, they can detect spirit's higher vibrations exceedingly well, make clear contact with spirit and bring forth highly detailed evidential information. Everyone has the ability to detect spirit, it’s just a matter of developing one's sense enough.
We all have intuition, for example, (that "gut feeling") and we rely on this regularly. We all can detect or feel people's moods or the mood of a room if we allow ourselves to be open. These are common psychic abilities.
Why is it so difficult to believe that the ultimate transformation from physical to non-physical and visible to invisible with full consciousness is very real? It is clear our best selves remain alive and leave behind the ego. Consequently spirit is full of love and seeks to pass on loving, healing messages to those in need.
Life does last forever, indeed.