Often people joke that they have to become a Buddhist monk in order to reach a more spiritual nature. However, many are only half-joking when they make that statement. They believe that the only way to connect with their spirit and even spirit around them requires decades of dedication and training. Spiritual awareness is in fact much easier than it seems.
What are the Buddhist monks doing for all that time as they sit rolling their beads or chanting? They’re meditating. However, you don’t have to be a Buddhist monk to meditate, for it’s much simpler than it appears. The only requirement for meditation is patience, a few minutes of free time and consistency…not too demanding.
Meditation is, in a nutshell, just the practice of calming the mind, gaining a sense of perspective and allowing yourself to go within. Many people think you’re supposed to shut off all thoughts and keep total silence in your head. That’s impossible, unless of course you’re in a coma or perhaps in a state of suspended animation. Barring that, you will have thoughts. Just allow them to come, acknowledge them and then let them pass.
After a little while, you will notice yourself slipping into a more calm state of mind. For some this may be rather quickly, for others this may take longer. It’s different for each person and that’s perfectly fine. Everyone is unique. What is important is that you allow yourself to keep practicing, for we’re talking about a meditation PRACTICE, not a perfection. Consistency is key.
Whether you meditate for 5 minutes or 5 hours has no bearing on the success of your practice. The primary determinant for the success of your practice is the consistency of your meditation. You need to meditate on a very regular schedule so you get used to practicing it. Ideally, you should be meditating every day (even if for only 5 minutes). Every other day is fine too.
There’s a well known saying in the meditation practice that goes, “If you don’t have time to meditate, then you REALLY need to meditate!”
So how does meditation support your spiritual awareness? In meditation you are focusing on the person within, the spirit within, the self. You are seeking to connect with the most central of energies, the “now.”
By focusing on the here and now, you ignore anything that happened in the past (good or bad) as well as what may happen in the future (good or bad). Therefore, there’s nothing you can worry about and thus all is perfect. You are left with the blissful state of the eternal you where there is no judgment, there is only sheer existence. Time fades away to nothingness, and it becomes meaningless as there is only the “now.”
In this state you get in contact with the essence of you, your inner spirit, your true self. Your ego mind falls away, and you begin to see yourself as you truly are-the essence of your creator, true love. Feel yourself begin to expand, as you realize you are now limitless and are only energy.
As pure energy, you can expand beyond the physical and connect with All That Is as well as spirit energy that surrounds you, since you are true spirit energy yourself. Feel the tingling energy that pervades you and surrounds you.
It may feel like an effervescent champagne-like blanket that wraps around your arms or upper torso. You may feel this tingling sensation in your head or perhaps in your legs. Some people may have other experiences. Again, everyone will have different sensations or feelings. But there is a noticeable occurrence eventually.
Don’t rush it. Some people will feel this in a relatively short amount of time, while others may take a year or more. It depends on both the consistency of the meditation and the circumstances for the individual. But at some point you will connect not only with your own inner spirit, but also the spirit energies that surround you. But before you connect with the energy around you, you must first discover it in yourself.
Focus on love, focus on peace, focus on kindness. These are some of the most beneficial focal points that may help get you into a deeper state of meditation. You can choose guided meditations to listen to or just sit in silence by yourself. Whatever you do, just do what resonates with you. There is no “right way” to meditate-only that which works for you.
Know you are spirit and know spirit is with you, joyous that you are on your journey of exploration and adventure. As a spark of God, you are also true love within. Let that out, express it and be the true person you were meant to be. Go in peace, and let the light from above shine on you always.
In late February I'll be holding a special masterclass on how to raise your intuition and spiritual awareness, so keep an eye out for that.
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Tags: Meditation, spiritual awareness, spirit, spirituality, now, creator, light, love, living spiritually