Death is Not Goodbye
Everlasting LIfe·Chris Lippincott·Feb 28, 2019· 4 minutes

We all know someone who has lost a loved one, or perhaps we may have lost one or more loved ones ourselves. Grief in these situations is painful, may last for years and is personal and individual with no two experiences being the same. Grief is non-linear with both recovery and setbacks.

Complex emotions explode into the open and may intensify the grief we feel. Emotions typically include shock/denial, anger, guilt, yearning, confusion, feelings of powerlessness and a loss of hope. These are all perfectly normal reactions. In some cases, the bereaved ceases the will to carry on or the desire to live life to the fullest and becomes a mere shell of their former selves.

However, while we in the physical ache for the return of our lost loved one, their spirit is very much alive—just not where we can typically sense it. This may appear to be little consolation to the bereaved and may seem to be just a mere platitude. Yet consider the countless times spirit has come through to their families through expert evidential mediums, given incontrovertible evidence of their continued existence and provided an overwhelming sense of joy and relief to the bereaved. This is pure love coming through from the spirit world.

What could possibly constitute incontrovertible evidence and be so compelling that it would convince even the most skeptical among us? How could spirit finally make us believe that they are quite alive and still sending us their love? Are we merely deluding ourselves?

A good start is when the evidential medium only provides unusually detailed information that they could not have gotten from anywhere else but spirit (without asking questions), can do so with a high level of accuracy and that the client can confirm. Important evidential information that spirit will provide goes beyond general descriptions like gender, age at passing and cause of death (though that’s a beginning).

Compelling descriptions include the loved ones’ unique physical features, personality, character traits, unique identifications or markings, speech patterns, unusual mannerisms, hobbies, habits, words or phrases unique to them and special items of significance to loved ones here on earth. Additional items include their history growing up, their background, their marital status and their personal preferences. Again all this is provided without questioning or any information in advance (sitters take note).

Some of the MOST convincing evidence spirit provides us includes shared memories, descriptions of events that happened AFTER they passed, descriptions of occurrences that only the sitter knows about, approval of decisions we have made without them in the physical and other family members who are with them in spirit. After all this evidence, spirit then gives us their loving messages of healing and comfort. Though we may be in such a deep state of grief that we feel we can’t go on, spirit is urging us to live our lives to the fullest.

Spirit is just pure energy, the true survival of our consciousness in the non-physical. It's like the oft-cited example of how we think of ourselves internally through the aging process. As we age, we continue to think of the “me” inside us as being the same regardless of whether we are 10 or 110. Our consciousness remains the same—it is the one constant. The only thing that changes is our physical body. 

While our physical body may age and die, our consciousness remains very much alive, just without the ego attached. Thus, when a spirit comes through in a reading, their personality remains the same and is immediately recognizable to their family.

What messages get sent the loudest? They are the messages of their unconditional love for us and the unconditional love they received when they transformed into spirit. Love does indeed conquer death.

While it may seem unfair that our loved one has passed on, just remember they are still with us and alive in spirit, can hear our thoughts and are always sending us loving thoughts to us…even if we can’t hear them.